Realize Your Dream... Transform Your Life
Create the life of your dreams and the greatest version of yourself simultaneously.
We have the tools for you to reach your personal and professional vision.
GET ACCESS NOWTrying to create the life of your dreams and the greatest version of yourself simultaneously can be overwhelming...
You may be...
- Working hard in your business, but not 'on it'
- Feeling that there must be more to life than this... a stressful day-to-day checklist
- Staring at an overbooked calendar and trying to figure out how to put balance back into your life
- Aware of your strengths and weaknesses, but not sure how to best use both to create a more fulfilling life
- Living... but not living intentionally
- Wondering what is your true purpose
All this and more can lead to stressful days and feeling constantly overwhelmed, overworked, and wondering if there is indeed a way to realize your dreams.
The Dream Leader Program has given hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners a plan for realizing their dreams and transforming their lives.
Our plan will work for you too.
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
In the Dream Leaders Program, you’ll learn how to create the life of your dreams and the greatest version of yourself - simultaneously.
The Dream Leader Program
You Are Ready to Realize Your Dreams and Transform Your Life?
This 6-week program will teach you everything you need to know to create the life of your dreams and the greatest version of yourself - simultaneously.
You’ll learn how to:
- Lead the life you always dreamed of and most of all... live intentionally
- Unlock your genius
- Master your mind to create alignment in business and in life
- Leave the legacy you want by growing into the greatest version of yourself
With some simple shifts in your mindset and some tools and practices, you could start living the life of your dreams.
Learn How to Realize Your Dreams and Transform Your Life...
Here's what you will learn, experience, and implement:
Lead the Life You Want
Start with the end in mind. In this module, you will discover the life you want to lead, understand that you are the common denominator, discover your dreams, and start to put a plan together.
Discover Your Greatest Version
Discover and create the greatest version of yourself, not the second-rate version. Create your personal mission statement, live on purpose, and discover what creates false happiness for you.
Create and Focus on Your Priorities
Create your priorities in order of importance and create a life and calendar that is congruent. Discover the five different categories of energy and make a choice to live in the top three.
Learn to Maximize Your Energy
Create your decision matrix and discover NO is a complete sentence. You will learn how to maximize your energy. Build your dream day, and organize your personal and professional life on purpose.
Unlock Your Genius
Discover and uncover the gift of you and understand yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Review Myers Briggs and Gallup Strength Finders to dive deep into you. Unlock your genius...
Use Money as a Tool
Be a great steward, use money as a tool. Be intentional with your money, know your net worth, and create a saving plan for the short and long term to live the life of your dreams.
Leave the Legacy You Want
Start with the end in mind, revisited. Create affirmations that support the life you want to live and the legacy you want to leave. Learn to practice gratitude and unconditional love every day.
Live Your Life Intentionally
Are you living your life intentionally? Define what great relationships look like and deal breakers. What connections do you need to let go of and which ones do you need to nurture?
Master Your Mind to Create Alignment
Create a plan of excellence in every aspect of physical mastery that includes Rest, Movement, and Fuel. Gain mindset mastery to create alignment to live your greatest life.
Define Your Ideal Role
Are you fully using your gifts at your work? What does a 10/10 look like for you professionally? Define your ideal role. Take ownership of your work and get a clear picture of where you want to grow.
Align Your Purpose and Values
The purpose is about why we do what we do. Values are how we achieve our purpose. Habits are what we do every day that reflects our purpose and values. Habits are purpose and values made visible. Do yours align?
Grow Into the Greatest Version of You
How have your setbacks and suffering created limitations and lies that don't allow you to grow into the greatest version of yourself? What lies have you been telling yourself that are holding you back? Let's bury your lies.
We are Jonathan Dunn, Nathan Keisler, and Dr. Clifford Fisher
... co-founders of Dream Leadership Institute, a company dedicated to helping individuals and organizations unlock their full potential and achieve their dreams... with a passion for helping people reach their goals and a strong background in leadership development and coaching.
Here's What a Few of Our Clients Have to Say...
"I wanted to shoot you a note to let you know how amazing Jonathan is as a coach.
I have been paying for business and executive coaches for almost 20 years and have had a number of them. Hands down he is the best I’ve ever had. I was skeptical before we started because he kind of doesn’t it “ the mold” of a traditional executive coach... but my man has magic in his back pocket. I get tremendous takeaways from each session."
Kevin D.
"Know Yourself - and Seek Self Improvement is the United States Marine Corps' very first leadership principle. Early in a military career, self-assessment is an easy task and one that is conducted often. However, as time goes on and military leaders rise in responsibilities, this becomes more of an afterthought and is overlooked. It is not until someone like Jonathan Dunn comes into your life and causes you to pause and look inwardly that this leadership principle becomes paramount. Truth be told, I thought that I had a pretty good understanding of my current life perspective and where I was headed. After shedding the fake façade and self-made lies, DLI has enabled me to make significant steps towards the best version of myself. It all started with honesty and 1%.
"JR" Valasek
"Very few times am I left speechless, but this has 100% been my experience since working with the Dream Leader program. It has been almost scary how well the process worked. I had a massive expansion with my business, found love, and once again believe that my future is going to be brighter than my past! Thank you to Jonathan Dunn for creating this program and coaching me through it!"
Dr. Denise Jacobs
The Dream Leaders Program
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